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Archangel Michael Blessing


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Sound Essence Archangel Blessings

Archangel Michael
The Protector

Archangel Michael Blessing Mist……………………………………..Safety/Trust/Support

Mist the Sound Essence Archangel Michael Blessing and state:

• I love and value myself.

• I am divinely guided and protected.

Mighty and powerful in the ways of the Lord, Michael comes to set us free from pain, fear, and old stories, opening our hearts to the truth of the amazing beings that we are. Michael awakens our memory of truth. We are powerful Children of the Most High! Wise, abundant, loving, and creative. We are entitled to love, respect and support. Michael’s Solar Plexus Activation opens a base of Trust, Safety and Connection so we can personally experience the Divine Presence that is with us always. Michael said, “I am the power of Truth. I come to shine the light of truth into the darkness of illusion. My sword is razor-sharp honesty slashing away false concepts, beliefs and self images to reveal your magnificent Self. My orb is the presence of truth – self-realization manifest in you. While my armor and sword may seem harsh, I am the champion of your true Being. At times, a savage slaughter of illusion is necessary to awaken you to truth. Underlying this force is the tenderest love. I protect your true Being with fierce devotion and a tender embrace.” Invite Archangel Michael to Activate your Divine Heritage of safety and trust.